Company’s  Vision:

Being a first-class company in the security field, to achieve in fifty years

Core Values:

Customer-oriented, workhorses-based, take pride in losers

Company’s  Spirit:

Responsibility, Enterprising, Openness, Sharing

Responsibility: Dutifully, take responsibility for others if necessary

Enterprising: motivated, keep passionate and dynamic, positive

Openness: be able to adopt new things, never wall yourself off, fit into the group 

Sharing: To share knowledge, technology, experience and wealth with others unselfishly.

Moral  Concept:

Corporate interest first, dedication, fulfillment, honest, impartial, law-abiding, probity and self-discipline

Employment Principle:

Only is uses, lay emphasis on integrity; Having both ability and political integrity, exceptionally promoted; Having integrity but without ability, cultivating and appointing; Having ability but without integrity, limit of the hire; Without ability or integrity, never employ;

Value Distribution Principle:

Efficiency in priority and fairness in consideration, adhere to the principle of sustainable development, which is the employments and stockholders co-create and share the values of the company